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Gloucs v YCCC, Bristol, 14/4/2022 to 17/4/2022
Day 1


YCCC taking the field on 1st day of season, Bristol,14-4-2022, 1DX20995.jpg

Harris 100 for Gloucs, Bristol, 14-4-20221DX21419.jpg

Harris out for a fabulous 136, c Duke, b Patto, Bristol, 14-4-2022, 1DX21617.jpg

Jordan Thompson takes 2nd over , 14-4-2022, Bristol, 1DX21026.jpg

Matt Fisher delivers first ball of the new season, Bristol, 14-4-2022, 1DX21001.jpg

Patto celebrates wicket of van Buuren (c Lyth), Bristol, 14-4-2022, 1DX21276.jpg

Rauf catches Hammond for Fisher's 3rd wicket, Bristol, 14-4-2022, 1DX21370.jpg

Rauf jumping for joy at his 3 wickets today, Bristol, 14-4-2022, 1DX21468.jpg

Rauf's 1st ball for YCCC, 14-4-2022, Bristol, 1DX21060.jpg

Rauf's anguish as a hard chance put down by Duke, 14-4-2022, Bristol, 1DX21092.jpg

Thommo grafting without luck this afternoon at Bristol, 14-4-2022, 1DX21210.jpg

A good 4 wkt day for Fisher, Bristol, 14-4-2022, 1DX21639.jpg
Day 2

Wharton plays his first delivery, 15-4-2022, Bristol, 1DX21740.jpg

Keep going you Harrys, Bristol, 15-4-2022, 1DX22357.jpg

Brook's 100, Bristol, 15-4-2022, 1DX22688.jpg

Brook acknowledges his 50, Bristol, 15-4-2022, 1DX22340.jpg

Another on-side boundary for Brook, Bristol, 15-4-20221DX22288.jpg

Duke dabs a single, Bristol, 15-4-2022, 1DX22283.jpg

Harry Brook hits through mid-wkt, Bristol, 15-4-2022, 1DX22177.jpg

Lyth acknowledges his 50, Bristol, 15-4-2022, 1DX22049.jpg

Lyth's shot for his 50, Bristol, 15-4-2022, 1DX22028.jpg

Wharton scores his first run, Bristol, 15-4-2022, 1DX21761.jpg

Wharton on debut, Bristol, 15-4-2022, 1DX21736.jpg

Malan in action, YCCC, Bristol, 15-4-20221DX21840.jpg

Harry Brook 100, Bristol, 15-4-2022, 17-42, 1DX22649.jpg
Day 3

Thommo's first of the match - worth celebrating, Bristol, 16-4-2022, 1DX23170.jpg

Strange ritual around Bracey's 100!, Bristol, 16-4-2022, 1DX23131.jpg

Thommo, worth the wait, takes 16th wkt, Bristol, 16-4-2022, 1DX23159.jpg

Bracey stretching for his 100, Glos, Bristol, Day 3, 16-4-2022 1DX23103.jpg

Rauf after clean bowling van Buuren, Bristol, 16-4-2022, 1DX22964 copy.jpg

Fisher celebrating first wkt, Bristol 2nd inns, 16-4-2022, 1DX22832.jpg

Patto's wkt of Hammond, Bristol, 16-4-2022, 1DX23022.jpg

Rauf happy with wkt of van Buuren, bowled, Bristol, 16-4-20221DX22962.jpg

Thommo, Bristol, YCCC, 16-4-20221DX22736.jpg

Fisher 1st wkt 2nd inns, Bristol, 16-4-2022, 1DX22815.jpg

Thommo pushes the score along nicely this morning, Bristol, YCCC, Day 3 16-4-2022, 1DX2272

Haris Rauf, 2 balls, 1 x 4, Out, YCCC, Bristol, 16-4-2022, 1DX22777.jpg
Day 4

1) 1DX23283.jpg

2) Rauf accounts for Gohar, c Lyth, Bristol, 17-4-2022, 1DX23303.jpg

3) Patto celebrates the wicket of Taylor lbw, Bristol, 17-4-2022, 1DX23371.jpg

4) England hopeful, Bracey, reaches 150, Bristol, 17-4-2022.jpg

5) Rauf returns to earth's atmosphere after jumping over the moon (almost) after taking Sh

6) Tommo concedes defeat to Rauf in prize for this matches best victim celebration, Bristo

7) Opener, George Hill fresh from no bowling in 2nd inns, Bristol, 17-4-2022, 1DX23551.jpg

8) Lyth runs ball behind point, Bristol, 17-4-2022, 1DX23567.jpg

9) Wharton, James, Bristol, 17-4-2022, 1DX23716.jpg

10) Malan, Dawid, quicly into his stride, Bristol, 17-4-2022, 1DX23746.jpg

11) Hill, George, crucial scoring on last day, Bristol, 17-4-2022, 1DX23845.jpg

12) Malan, goes big, Bristol, 17-4-2022, 1DX23893.jpg

13) Duke, Harry,1st of two overhead, assisted ramp shots, Bristol, 17-4-2022, 1DX24014.jpg